Polymeric devices for the infusion of blood substitutes and single-use infusion solutions sterile PR 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets» with injection needles and polymer devices for blood transfusion, blood substitutes and single-use infusion solutions sterile PK 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets» with needles injectable

Polymer devices for infusion of blood substitutes and infusion solutions for single use sterile PR 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets» with an injection needle

Polymeric devices for infusion of blood substitutes and infusion solutions for single use sterile PR 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets» (hereinafter - products, devices, devices PR 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets»), intended for intravenous infusion of blood substitutes and infusion solutions to the recipient from glass bottles and polymer containers. The products are intended for use in clinics and hospitals, in the ambulance service, in the field, in blood service establishments


  • The device consists of a main part, consisting of a combined polymeric two-channel needle with an air duct filter, closed with a safety cap; semi-rigid drip-filtering unit (semi-rigid dropper with liquid filter); tubes; a clamp that regulates the rate of infusion by pinching the tube with a clamp; an injection unit, into which a head with a cone «Luer» is inserted, on which a sterile injection needle is closed, closed with a protective cap, in the case of a complete set of additional sterile injection needles in an individual package, are placed in the main package
  • Systems are made of imported material, which is analogous to imported systems
  • Transparent tube and dropper
  • The tube has no kinks or stuck together
  • Clamp provides regulation of fluid flow prior to jet flow
  • Completed with imported needle
  • Injection unit provides self-tightening when pierced six times
  • Sterile inside/non-pyrogenic/non-toxic
  • Additional element Y-shaped injection unit
  • Shelf life five years

Polymeric devices for blood transfusion, blood substitutes and infusion solutions for single use sterile PK 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets» with injection needles

Polymeric devices for blood transfusion, blood substitutes and infusion solutions for single use sterile PK 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets»

(hereinafter referred to as products, devices, devices PK 23-05 - «MPC «Yelets»), intended for blood transfusion and intravenous infusion of blood substitutes and infusion solutions from glass bottles and polymer containers to the recipient. The products are intended for use in clinics and hospitals, in the ambulance service, in the field, in blood service establishments


  • Устройство состоит из основной части, состоящей из совмещенной полимерной иглы с фильтром воздуховода, закрытой предохранительным колпачком; полужесткого капельно-фильтрующего узла (полужесткой капельницы с фильтром жидкости); трубки; зажима, регулирующего скорость вливания, путем пережимания трубки зажимом; инъекционного узла, в который вставлена головка с конусом «Луер», на которую надета игла инъекционная стерильная закрытая предохранительным колпачком, в случае комплектации устройств дополнительными иглами инъекционными стерильными в индивидуальной упаковке, помещаются в основную упаковку
  • Systems are made of imported material, which is analogous to imported systems
  • Transparent tube and dropper
  • The tube has no kinks or stuck together
  • Clamp provides regulation of fluid flow prior to jet flow
  • Completed with imported needle
  • Injection unit provides self-tightening when pierced six times
  • Sterile inside/non-pyrogenic/non-toxic
  • Shelf life five years
Medical Devices Manufacturer «Yelets, LLC»

Copyright © 2016-2020 LLC « MPC «Yelets»

Leading Russian manufacturer of syringes, systems and needles

Russian Federation, Lipetsk region, Yelets, per. Brick, 27

+7 (47467)5-19-65, 6-90-55

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